the Union for Tech and I.T. Professionals


Tech and game employees are coming together at companies across the country to create workplace change. We understand that professionals in these industries want the companies they work for to thrive, and know their voices are essential to continued success. By joining together in union, tech and game professionals can make sure their companies’ cultures are welcoming and positive to inspire innovation and growth.

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We can help tech and I.T. professionals improve their workplaces

Fostering innovation

IFPTE members know the value of new ideas and innovation. However, innovation can only occur in a work environment where employees have a voice and are free to propose new ideas. As union members, tech and I.T. professionals can help their companies continue to succeed by facilitating communication and cooperation with management to share in their achievements.

Improving pay and benefits

The skills, knowledge, and time professionals invest contributes to their organizations’ success. The pay and benefits that tech and game professionals receive should reflect this. Employees in the tech and I.T. industries can achieve real gains in compensation and earn a fair return on their work by joining together.

Making workplaces more transparent

Decisions made through opaque processes without employee input create suspicion, foster skepticism, and hinder productivity. By coming together and using their collective voice, I.T. and tech professionals can establish open and fair processes for how decisions are made in order to better their workplaces.



 Where our tech and I.T. members work:

Contact us about joining the union for tech and I.T. professionals

By standing together, tech and game professionals can improve compensation, increase workplace transparency, and cultivate innovation.

Fill out our contact form and IFPTE staff will reach out to you with more information about forming a union at your tech or game company.

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What is a union?

A group of employees who come together to negotiate with their employer over their wages, benefits, and working conditions. The employees are the union—they democratically elect their coworkers who oversee their union’s affairs and conduct negotiations with their employer. Unlike associations, employees in unions have the legal right to negotiate collectively with their employers.

What is collective bargaining?

Collective bargaining is the formal process employees in unions and their employers use to negotiate the terms and conditions of work—including wages, benefits, and working conditions. Similar to the contracts CEOs have that guarantee their pay, benefits, and other conditions of employment, the terms agreed upon during collective bargaining are solidified in a contract called the collective bargaining agreement. Collective bargaining agreements are commonly referred to as union contracts.

Why do tech and game professionals need a union?

Many tech and game professionals are highly skilled, but have very little input in how their companies operate and how they do their work. We understand that tech and game employees face unique and specialized issues at work, and know that by working together they can create effective solutions. By forming a union, tech and I.T. professionals can empower themselves as individuals and build the collective voice they need to tackle their shared challenges.


Steps to forming a union


Step 1: Reach out to a union

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Step 2: Build support among coworkers

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Step 3: Sign union cards

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Step 4: Ask for employer recognition or hold an election

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Step 5: Negotiate first contract

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Step 6: Ratify first contract